Success Tips for Student Entrepreneurs
This past summer, our Wake Entrepreneurs had the opportunity to take part in a variety of entrepreneurial internships. Here are some of their success tips for student entrepreneurs at Wake Forest University:
Ask Questions
“Ask a lot of questions, there is no such thing as too many questions (but do not ask the same question twice)!” ~ Kendra Downey
Be Passionate
“Find a brand that you’re passionate about. Startups are hard work and you have to truly believe in your product or service because that is what will make all the work worth it.” ~ Marygrace Ward
Be Confident
“Confidence is key. As simple as this is, it is so incredibly important to emphasize. Entrepreneurship involves an extensive amount of multi-tasking and one could easily feel drowned in a sea of endless tasks and projects. Confidence in the smallest of tasks gives you the motivation and drive to move forward and tackle the bigger projects.” ~ Ellen Magnier
Be Curious and Ask Questions
“These two characteristics will help you find practical solutions to problems and will lead you to some of the most insightful conversations you’ll have. Without asking a curious question, I may not have had the opportunity to take part in my entrepreneurial internship this summer.” ~ Erik Schultz
Find Your Passion
“Do something you love and something that makes you excited to get up in the morning. Find your entrepreneurial calling and listen to it when you think you’ve found it. Don’t be afraid to go after new and scary things!” ~ Abby Dollus
Details Matter
“Attention to detail really does matter, especially in startups. The littlest things can make or break the success of a particular product or idea. I received so much feedback over the summer that retailers and customers were extremely impressed with the attention to detail in Fulton & Roark products, from the color scheme and font to the packaging and retail displays.” ~ Zack Schutt
Be Proactive
“Don’t be afraid to ask for more work! Most internships are for YOU to learn, so stay proactive and don’t waste your time sitting around!” ~ Faith Moore
Speak up
“If you have an idea that can solve a problem in the business do not hesitate to suggest it to the team. Two heads are often better than one and you may be able to provide a new approach that has not been thought of yet.” ~ Kellyn Jamison
Pick Your Team Wisely
“Understand your workflow and pick your team wisely. Workflow is everything and without it, you will get nothing done efficiently. The team is the foundation of your business and without a good team, you can never go from being a good business to being a great business. I truly think that these two things will grant you the most success in any workplace but especially within an entrepreneurial environment.” ~ Donovan Martin
Do Your Research
“If you have the opportunity to meet successful entrepreneurs, impress them with your knowledge of who they are, how they got started, and the story behind their company. Entrepreneurship classes at Wake have always had guest speakers that are great sources of knowledge, wisdom, and information. Find out who the speakers are and make it a point to learn more about them and then, don’t be afraid to reach out to them.” ~ Nate Epstein
Take the Initiative
“There is always something that needs to be done at a startup and waiting for your supervisor to give you a task, will not only hold the company back but will also hold you back. Be active and look for opportunities to make a difference.” ~ Gabriel Benzecry