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Written by #WakeEntrepreneur, Sydney Kleinmann

This summer was filled will lots unknowns and constant change. However, my time at SnappyScreen allowed me to focus and make an impact on something I was passionate about. I want to start by saying thank you to everyone at SnappyScreen for still having the interns this summer and for guiding us through this difficult time. From zoom calls to varying projects, the whole team worked together to adapt to this constant change that is now our reality.

During my time at SnappyScreen, I worked on expanding the brand ambassador program. The program was relatively new when the interns started, but over the last 8 weeks I have seen lots of positive additions and change to the program. We have expanded our number of ambassadors throughout reach and application processes. This was one of my first main tasks of the internship: how was the company going to effectively acquire passionate and determined ambassadors? Through research and different programs, we found certain methods that worked best for the SunStyles team. After this task, I worked on different ways we could keep our ambassadors engaged and interested in the SunStyles team. I found that hosting different series of guest speakers was something other brand ambassador programs were doing. We were able to find guest speakers who were enthusiastic about skincare. These speakers ranged from dermatologists to Instagram influencers. This SunStyles series was a new addition to the program and received great feedback. SunStyles is excited to continue this new addition.

One of the largest tasks that I got to work on was creating a wholesale pipeline for the company. With everything going on, the brand is expanding into boutique shops, spas and hotels by selling SunStyles sunscreen. I would research areas of the country, narrow down locations and research the most high-end stores in that area. I would then proceed by calling and getting in contact with the buyer of that store. All of the interns were able to bring together their contacts and create a large pipeline of connections for SunStyles to reach out to in hopes for the store to open a wholesale account with SunStyles. This was such a learning curve for me and I am grateful to have had the experience.

All in all, SunStyles taught me how to effectively adapt to change. The constant change and adaptation that comes with working for a start-up is one thing I really got to experience this summer. Thank you for a great summer, SnappyScreen!

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