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Written by #WakeEntrepreneur, Alex Herne

My name is Alex Herne, I am a rising Junior at Wake Forest University and this summer, I am interning remotely at a startup company called SnappyScreen. The company has been providing touchless sunscreen application systems loaded with the best sunscreen in the market to 4- and 5-star luxury resorts and hotels throughout the US, Caribbean, Mexico, and Europe.

My role this summer has had a lot to do with adaptability. Not only are we all working together in a novel digital environment, but we’re also working in real time, catering to changing industries that have reached a turning point in recovering from the impact of COVID-19.

One project I have been working on recently has been to help transition the company from providing our sunscreen exclusively at luxury hotels to having a number of retail locations throughout the country at which one can buy the sunscreen in bottled form. As a part of this transition, I have been creating a wholesale pipeline for a number of potential retail locations along the east coast. In creating this pipeline, I have been able to learn about so many different industries that I previously knew nothing about, such as the golf and country club industry. A lot of this work consisted of conducting market research and contacting a variety of clubs directly over the phone. I found this project to be very engaging because I was constantly pushing myself to learn more and refine my professional skills so as to most effectively fulfill the responsibilities of my role.

Another project I have been working on extensively has been focused on research and development into the hotel segment of the hospitality industry. Due to the dire impact that the coronavirus has had on travel, the hospitality industry has undoubtedly had to face its share of newfound challenges. Considering the overall sentiment of caution and restraint towards travel generated by the virus, my project largely consisted of determining how hotels are making adjustments to their guest experience in order to keep their guests and staff safe while maintaining their commitments to providing an aura of luxe.

Given the industry’s resilience and its continual focus on the needs of the guest, its leaders have distinguished themselves in providing their guests with an alternative hotel experience that caters to the needs of the times. Gathering lots of data from extensive market research is what is at the foundation of the analysis that leads to the development of strategic operational moves that are tailored to be reactive to ongoing market demands.

Thus, in conducting market research, I have been able to truly understand the technicalities of the relationship between consumer and producer in this market. I have recognized the importance of specific kinds of communication between the two as it allows the implicated stakeholders to be constantly aware of market needs and changes.

There is a lot that I find rewarding about this position, like always seeing my work as leading to a foreseeable next step and constantly learning something new. But, the most rewarding part of this internship so far has been being able to truly feel part of one concerted effort to bring SnappyScreen to its full potential by being really engaged as a part of a team, despite the distance, and working together on projects that really have a tangible impact. One benefit of choosing an entrepreneurship internship like this one is that you are bound to be immersed in a work environment loaded with motivation and tenacity with people who all want to see each other succeed. We’re just getting started and I’m so excited to see where all our work leads.

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